Holy smokes, this SEO stuff ain’t for sissies. I appreciate everyone who follows me! You make it easy to show you my work. But to find new customers and fans I need to dive in to SEO (search engine optimization). And let me tell you, it’s a deep dive. It’s the reason why you haven’t seen this piece up for sale yet:
I’ve been in front of the computer for the last week. Don’t worry, I’ll getting to it, and I’ll let you know when it’s up.
I’m sure you’ve all heard of SEO. You might not think it’s necessary. You know, that magical thinking of “if you build it, they will come.” If we’re honest with ourselves, we’ll admit that that’s a delusion. There are no overnight successes. All those artists you see being successful? They’ve worked their hineys off to get where they are. While a lot take the face-to-face meet real people route, there is a growing number of people taking the online route. That’s where I’ve always gravitated, and where I’ve felt I’m the best at sales. And that means SEO work. And a lot of it.
It’s OK. Don’t feel bad for me, stuck in front of the computer while I should be making lots of new stuff, which is one of the other top five things I need to be doing to be successful online. I like online marketing. It’s an art in itself. I’ve missed it.
This time around it’s extra fun. There are so many tools out there, and facebook groups full of people who are more than willing to share their success techniques. As a friend says, “Thank you, baby Jesus!” I’m having a little challenge trying to get everything done that I need to, as in, I’m not. But I know it will come, and building a strong foundation is key in anything, and it will pay off. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself.
If you want to see how I’m doing, check out my Etsy shop, where I’ve been focusing. You’ll be able to tell the listings that I’ve worked on so far, if you click through a few. They’re the ones where the titles aren’t very pretty. But the tags I’ve put in? Killer, compared to the un-optimized listings. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you’ll just have to trust me.
More work coming soon, I promise!